
Archive for October 26, 2007

Neo faces marketing problems for Indo-Pak

October 26, 2007 3 comments

NEW DELHI: It’s perhaps for the first time in the history of an India-Pakistan cricket series that a private broadcasting channel is facing problems marketing the matches at a premium. Advertisers unhappy with Neo Sports’ limited connectivity are preferring national broadcaster DD to Neo for the upcoming India-Pakistan series which starts November 5.

Said the head of a leading media buying firm, “The interest level among advertisers is naturally high for the India-Pakistan series, but the big concern is Neo’s connectivity. DD has emerged as the preferred choice for several advertisers.” Neo currently reaches only 35-45% of cable & satellite homes.

Even those advertisers who want to buy spots on Neo Sports are unwilling to pay the private broadcaster’s asking rate of Rs 4 lakh per 10 seconds. “A lot of advertisers are not willing to pay more than Rs 2.5 lakh for spots on Neo, since connectivity is a huge concern,” a source told ET.

Pointed out another source, “In many cases, it’s surrogate advertisers who have expressed interest to buy stand-alone spots on Neo because they are not allowed to advertise on DD.” As of now, negotiations between advertisers, their media buying representatives and Neo are on, and who blinks first will depend on the respective negotiation skills of the two sides.

Neo Sports CEO Shashi Kalathil insisted that the broadcaster had already started getting bookings at the Rs 4 lakh per 10 seconds spot rate. But he declined to name these advertisers, insisting: “Cricket ad rates have never looked so good – some media buyers are trying to force these down, attempting to buy at a depressed DD only rate.”

If Neo does sell at rates of Rs 2.5 lakh, it will be among the cheapest for India-Pakistan on a private channel. During last month’s Twenty20 tournament, for example, official broadcaster ESPN Star Sports sold the India-Pakistan final at over Rs 7.5-10 lakh – a record spot rate for the Indian cricket.

Meanwhile, Neo officials said they were not certain if they would market the spots bundled along with DD, stating that they will take a decision on the matter closer to the matches commencing. “We have already sold over 60%+ of our inventory for India-Pak, so the rates can only go up, irrespective of whether we are selling only Neo, or along with DD. Either way, the viewership data of double-digit TRP’s will deliver full value to our advertisers,” Mr Kalathil said.

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Categories: Cricket News